Mission Statement

The mission of OpOverwatch is to provide repeated opportunities for all Law Enforcement Officers to hear about the identity that can be found through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Edification is the Biblical and Christ centered portion of the ministry.  This is available to any officers who desire to know more about faith in Jesus Christ.  We believe that a growing knowledge of Christ, through Biblical Truth, is the foundation of true hope, and peace, for an officer. OpOverwatch participants can choose to engage in a variety of edifying activities that center on an understanding of a Biblical world view, and the transformational power of knowing Jesus Christ. 

The Center Church is an off shoot of OpOverwatch.  We meet every Sunday at 10am to study The Word of Truth. Our community is made up of many active/retired LEOs, and supportive community. Check out The Center Church here: https://www.centerchurchwny.org/     

We also offer a Bible Study just for law enforcement every other Friday at 6:30am. You can check the “Special Events” tab for the next meeting date, and all other edification opportunities. We aspire to provide guidance to any officers and families seeking to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The identity of a law enforcement officer can easily be consumed by their badge. We want officers to know that there is a more transcendent identity, sourced in God. We strive to minister to all those who wear the badge and share the truth about identity, purpose and hope found in Christ.